
So, no Weaver for Ghostbusters 3?

Remember Sigourney Weaver mentioning a couple of weeks back that she was going to meet with Bill Murray and possibly talk about the new Ghostbusters movie? Yes?

Well, seems the meeting was merely just a catch-up. Weaver tells The Chicago Tribune it doesn’t look like she’ll be involved in the new film.

“I don’t know really what I would be in it,” she said. “Maybe I’d be in a scene. But I’m not that integral a part to the actual Ghostbusting.”

Now that it’d be sad if Weaver wasn’t asked back. Surely Venkman ended up with Dana? How could he not? Did he not save her baby from the evil petite bloke from Ally McBeal in ‘’Ghostbusters II’’? As she said though, maybe she’d be in a scene. We can hope.

Weaver, who confirmed Murray had signed on, also touched upon rumours that the film will see the current Ghostbusters training up some new young guns. The actress says they’re going to have a hard time finding actors to play the new generation.

“I think the hard thing would be finding people who are as unique as Bill and Harold and Danny. That was a pretty amazing triumvirate of talent there—and [director] Ivan Reitman,” she said. “So that’s what I would worry about it.”

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