
So Poltergeist is looking good, Kingsman not so much?

As any film goer knows, February is commonly referred to as ‘the dumping ground’ as far as movies go. If a film has found itself slapped with an earlier-in-the-year release, it’s likely because the studio isn’t at all confident it’s attractive enough a piece to do battle with those big Christmas/New Year releases nor any of the Oscar contenders released in a year’s third quarter. Something Garry Marshall and Bruce Willis know all about.

Strangely enough, Fox has moved “Kingsman : The Secret Service” from October to February. October would’ve seen the Colin Firth-starrer do combat with some big meat n’ potato efforts – all vying for Oscar glory – and assumingly, Murdoch’s hub weren’t confident it’d survive. The news of the sked move doesn’t sit well – but I won’t believe “Kingsman” is a pooch without bark until I see it, because there’s too much going for it. It could simply be that, while the film is great, Fox just aren’t confident it’ll do well – I guess it isn’t a known brand.

Meanwhile, and suggesting it might be actually be good, Sony has moved their “Poltergeist” remake to July24. That’s smack-bang in the middle of the U.S Summer Holiday Movie Season – not to mention Comic-Con. “Hercules” had similar scheduling this year and it… oh wait, that was crud. Jury’s still out on “Poltergeist” then.

Terminator reboot gets a sucky new title!

Adam Saunders – About Alex