
Sounds like Arnie’s in T4!

There’s a billion-and-one rumours out there when it comes to “Terminator Salvation” – is Sarah Connor in it? Does someone die? Has James Cameron been script-blocked? and most famously, is Schwarzenegger doing a cameo?

Well, seems there might be truth to the last one.

Director McG talked to Total Film who confirmed he is trying to “synthesise a human character with a CGI character and that may or may not have something to do with the T800”.

The “Charlie’s Angels” director says he’s not happy with how “it” looks at the moment though.

“At the moment it’s not good enough,” he said. “And we’re running out of time.”

In addition, there’s some good news – McG says that after the script spoiler that was posted on Aint it Cool spread like wildfire, producers decided to change the ending of the film.

“That is not the ending. John Connor is not the machine. We did discuss that idea, but that is not the ending, I can say that right now.”

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