
Spielberg remaking Sugarland Express?

The 1974 drama starring Goldie Hawn

If you can’t beat ‘em – join ‘em.

He won’t do a sequel to “E.T”, he won’t even plonk a firecracker under Indiana Jones’s cheeks to get it moving – but he will remake one of his first films. Because, um, well, he can.

According to Development Hell, Steven Spielberg announced at a Q&A at the University of Southern California this week that he plans to remake his film, “Sugarland Express” at some point.

The movie, an early addition to Goldie Hawn’s CV, was Spielberg’s second film and was a true story about a husband and wife trying to outrun the law.

In the meantime, the bearded one says he’s busy working on “Indiana Jones 4” and “Jurassic Park 4”, the former of which he hopes to also have an IMAX version of.

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