
Stills from the new indiana Jones Pic!

Harrison Ford back as the Man in the Hat

Finally, some stills from “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” have hit the net. You’ll find them at

This movie NOW has me super excited (did they release these images to deter backlash from the whole ‘’Close Encounters’’ aliens cameo story?); much more excited than I was when I first read the news ‘100 year old Harrison Ford to play gung-ho action hero again”. I tell ya, he might even get through this puppy without a cane… he looks great. He says he doesn’t work out, but he obviously does, you can’t buy ribs that good even at my local Pizza parlour. Jar Jar Binks could cameo in this thing and I’d still be there first day, it don’t much matter, but I can honestly say I’ve a good feeling about this one.

Check out the full selection of pics by placing your mouse arrow on the piccie below.

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