
Studio may want a fifth Hunger Games movie

As any fan of Saturday morning cartoons knows, money talks (and so do bears, dogs, trees and maps).

With the “Hunger Games” franchise expected to take a large chunk of the cinemagoers’ money over the next few years, there’s already talk that Lionsgate won’t let the movie series end at movie four – “Mockingjay Part 2”. And if you were studio personnel, you wouldn’t either (image the condos a fifth movie in the series could build!?).

According to Suzanne Collins’ rep, the story is “done” though, and that she has no plans to write a fourth book in the series.

“Another one? No, the books are done,” Collins’ agent, Jason Dravis of The Monteiro Rose Agency in Studio City, Calif., told TheWrap.

Jennifer Lawrence, who plays Katniss in the films, is hoping she changes her mind, mentioning in recent chats that she thinks a fourth book would work. Elizabeth Banks, who plays Effie Trinket, is also on team ‘do another’.

“I’d love to see Suzanne Collins write something else that we could expand on”, says the actress. “We love these characters. I think people are really fascinated to see where their lives go.”

While my contact at Lionsgate agreed that, for the moment, “there wouldn’t be another book or movie” he/she did say “stranger things have happened… check in in a year”.

In other words, if the movies make as much money – if not more – than projected, someone will try and extend the movie series beyond “Mockingjay”.

That’s true (that ‘stranger things have happened’), especially in ‘book land’ – nobody expected Helen Fielding to do another “Bridget Jones” (mainly because she said she wouldn’t), Stephen King’s belated sequel to “The Shining” caught most by surprise, and isn’t there all these new ‘Godfather’ books out? And look at what they’re doing with the “Harry Potter” movie series? They’re making movies based on anything and everything – besides Harry – from the films, so that they can continue milking that cow. See.. there’s always a way around these little things like authors, owners and rightful decision makers.

‘The Young President Snow Chronicles’, anyone?

Meanwhile, I sit alone in my L.A apartment wishing one day, I meet a man who will buy me a ‘Katniss’ doll. That’s a true sign of love right there.

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