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The Flash : Season 2 Revealed!

How was the “Flash” finale, hey?!

Shockers all-round!

Did that death sting like a bite on the left one… or what!? How sad!

And how surprising was it to see Barry decide to do what he decided to do!? Okay, not much.. I saw that coming.. but still, it’s a decision that’s definitely going to help shape his future as a permanent member of the superhero committee of America.

So, where to now from here?

Will we see Eddie again? Will there be new villains next season – or might Eobard Thawne be back (somehow)? And what’s with Jay Garrick’s helmet making a cameo last night?

Firstly, I don’t know that Garrick’s helmet (for those not in the know, Jay Garrick is a previous ‘Flash’ – one from an alternate universe) means much. It could just be an Easter egg thrown in for the fans. At the same time, the producers have suggested that the multiverse will be a part of Season 2 so there’s the possibility that there might be a fellow red-suited speedster on the show next season.

Jay Garrick's helmet on the season finale of "The Flash"
Jay Garrick’s helmet on the season finale of “The Flash”

Star Grant Gustin, who plays Barry/The Flash, tells TV Guide that we will see an alternate universe, so…

“What’s fun about this show is that there’s going to be multiple timelines as we move forward. I think we’re going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future. There will be kind of different dimensions going on.”

That means not only might we see other incarnations of The Flash but we might also see other incarnations of characters we know and love – as well as some that have left us (*spoiler* like Eddie *end spoiler*).

With the changes Barry’s made to the timeline (namely the ones resulting in Eobard’s evaporation), there will likely be changes all around him – might that include Caitlin’s transformation into villainess Killer Frost? (as glimpsed in his quick look into the future). Maybe. There’s also the chance we might see Cisco get his superhero alter-ego on, too – he becomes Vibe.

Caitlin's future alter-ego Killer Frost makes an appearance in Barry's future vision on last night's season finale
Caitlin’s future alter-ego Killer Frost makes an appearance in Barry’s future vision on last night’s season finale

“We are going to introduce a few more speedsters next year and a bunch more villains,” show chief Andrew Kreisberg tells THR. “How they and those villains come about is part of the surprise of season two. We’re really excited. [Executive producer] Greg [Berlanti] and myself and [executive producer] Geoff Johns and the writers, the cast, the crew, the directors — we are so proud of this season of television. It really is a high mark for all of us and we feel a great deal of pressure and anxiety to live up to it, because it’s been so well received. As proud as excited as we are about everything we’ve done this year, we really are just as proud and excited for all the things we are planning coming up and hopefully people will continue to take this ride with us.”

What else was glimpsed in Barry’s quick peek into the future? Well, he was behind bars in one frame (which could point to the storyline from the comics where he’s falsely accused of murdering Reverse-Flash), there’s a museum dedicated to all the speedsters, and we got a look at some of the gang who’ll form the Legends of Tomorrow gang (the spin-off that kicks off in January).

Is that Barry behind bars?
Is that Barry behind bars?

Safe to say, things won’t be the same when “The Flash” returns in the Fall.

“It gets a little Rubik’s Cube-y in terms of keeping consistence between all these timelines and whatnot,” Carlos Valdes, who plays Cisco, told TV Guide. “But the writers have their stuff together. If I were to trust anyone, it would be them.”

One guy that can likely help some of the waves settle is time-traveling future boy Rip Hunter, and with the character’s inclusion in upcoming spin-off “Legends of Tomorrow”, there’s a fair chance he’ll be lending a hand to Barry on “The Flash” too.

As for whether Tom Cavanagh will be back on the show, now that Eobard Thawne has all but dissolved into pixie dust?

Yes, he’s definitely back – but that doesn’t necessarily mean Eobard will be.

By eliminating Eobard from existence, the real Harrison Wells would never have been murdered and therefore would still be.. out there. This could suggest that the real Wells might become a permanent fixture on the show – being the ‘good guy’ sidekick to the Starlabs crew that we originally thought this incarnation was. But then, there’s also the possibility of Eobard/Reverse-Flash from one of those aforesaid alternative universes entering this one- though I think the first scenario might make for a better scenario for the moment.

”On Flash, you’ve never seen the last of anybody, no matter what happens to them”, show chief Andrew Kreisberg tells EW, when asked if we will see Reverse-Flash again one day.

“The Flash” returns for it’s second season in the Fall.

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