
Thor actress may be Affleck’s love interest in Batman vs. Superman

“Thor” actress Jaimie Alexander is said to be up for the role of Bruce Wayne’s love interest in Warner’s “Batman vs. Superman”.

The role – though rumoured to be Wonder Woman, it’s not – is said to be a twenty-something squeeze for forty-something Batman, played  by Ben Affleck.

Alexander essentially confirmed that she’s one of the contenders for the role, while at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo in Los Angeles yesterday.

It was previously reported that Alexander, currently starring in “Thor : The Dark World”, may be one of four actress the studio and director Zack Snyder were looking at for the “Man of Steel” sequel.

Here’s what Mark Hughes at Forbes has :

Then, things got even more interesting when Alexander answered a question about her reactions to the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman for Batman vs. Superman. She explained her respect for Affleck’s acting talent and how suitable she thinks he is for the role, asking that fans not be so quick to criticize the actor and instead to remember the misplaced skepticism regarding Michael Keaton’s casting as Batman nearly 25 years ago. The rest of the panel agreed with her assessment, by the way, as did the vast majority of fans in attendance when the panelists asked for a show of hands from the audience. Alexander went on to say followed that up by saying her confidence in Affleck’s casting is bolstered by the fact he is so suited for the particular Batman portrayal in the film — and her reason for that certainty is, as she put it, she “kind of knows the story line for that movie.”

So, whatcha think of Alexander as a Bat babe?

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