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Twin Peaks goes French!

As production wraps on “Twin Peaks” – which now, according to the grapevine, looks to be significantly more than the ‘limited series’ Showtime has been touting it is; try, two seasons at least!- series co-creator David Lynch and star Kyle MacLachlan have been snapped in Paris doing what’s reportedly some extra filming for the 2017 sequel series.

Very interesting that “Twin Peaks” is doing so much shooting outside of it’s normal terrain (between the reds in Washington) for this new, third season. In addition to Paris, they’ve also shot in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Most of these on-location shoots seem to involve MacLachlan, so it would seem Agent Dale Cooper is doing some wayward wondering post-Red Room.

According to those behind the snaps below, Lynch has been doing some shooting at the same club he shot (those beautiful) scenes in “Mulholland Drive” at.

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