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Twin Peaks might be coming to cinemas, too!

Some shows, like “Sherlock” and “Doctor Who”, have been treated to special theater screenings either ahead or concurrent with their small screen broadcasts. And seems the model is getting more popular, with Showtime considering doing the same for their big 2017 revival of “Twin Peaks”.

According to network Prez David Nivens, interest has led to the network looking at a possible cinema release of [some of] the episodes.

“You’re going to continue to see the blurring of movies and television. You’re going to see television shows produced primarily for television that’s going to play in theaters for an occasional out-of-home collective experience. I’m already feeling interest. People are coming to us, ‘You want to premiere this? You want to show four episodes?’ So I guarantee you when we put ‘Twin Peaks’ out, people are gonna want to put that in theaters. So I see those lines blurring.”


While it isn’t known when the show will exactly air, nor how many episodes of the new David Lynch-helmed [third] season they’ll have, Nivens says they won’t be following the Netflix model of releasing every episode at once.

“When we put ‘Twin Peaks’ out, maybe it’ll be fun not to do just one a week, but to do it in a different way. Who knows. [That’s] something I’ll talk about with David Lynch. There’s all sorts of possibilities, but the idea of just throwing it out, having a week or two weeks of buzz, and then having it die down, I don’t think that makes sense for us.”

Besides special one-off screenings of the eps, the last time “Twin Peaks” invaded cinemas was in 1992 with the release of “Twin Peaks : Fire Walk With Me”. (via Welcome to Twin Peaks)


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