
Two join Step Up 5; Clint suggests a third castmember

Hang five guys, just have to remove my wedged-in cranium from the monitor.

Alright, and we’re back.

Thank god Universal are mind readers, that’s all I can say, or we’d have nobody to guide us into auditoriums showing quality fare! The gang with the globe logo know exactly what people are craving, and they’re gonna give it to it with sass and salsa- complete with “Step Up 5” dry-humping the bottom center of the poster.
Er, yep. Color me damp.

“Step Up 5 : Jingle All the Way, Dog” is gonna get the butts of the cinema ushers wiggling.

The fourth sequel to the Channing Tatum starrer has retained the services of dancing duo Alyson Stoner and Adam Sevani, who play Camille Cage and Robert “Moose” Alexander III, respectively in the films, says THR. Trish Sie directs, with Red Bull again in talks to provide the character arcs.

No word yet on any other additions to “Step Up 5”, or what brand of toilet tissue the script was written on, but I have a suggestion for Universal : Vin Diesel. The man has moves. If you can get the jumpsuit of walnuts to reconsider his stance on breakdancing and making cement rock, and convince him he needs another franchise, this could be a match made in mambo heaven. Check Vin out as a youngster below, busting..something,… can you imagine the golden jig he could bring to a “Step Up” film!?


Larry Fong wants to shoot Batman….and Superman.