
Two more join Supergirl

Two more actors have joined CBS’ upcoming series “Supergirl”.

“Homeland” star David Harewood will play Hank Henshaw (aka villain Cyborg Superman) and Chyler Leigh will play Kara’s foster sister Alexandra “Alex” Danvers.

Hank Henshaw is described as “a onetime CIA agent, who now runs the Department of Extra-Normal Operations (DEO), which tracks extraterrestrial threats on the planet Earth.”

Alex is “fascinated by Kara’s powers from a young age” and she “developed a lifelong obsession with science which inspired her to become a doctor.”

Andrew Kreisberg (“Arrow” and “The Flash” executive producer/writer) will also join the show as exec producer.

Melissa Benoist stars Kara Zor-El (aka Supergirl) alongside Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen, Laura Benanti as Kara’s Kryptonian mother Alura Zor-El, and Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant.

Official Jem synopsis

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