
Unbreakable 2 might go straight to TV

M.Night Shyamalan’s been mentioning for years that, if he was to do a sequel to any of his movies, it’d be “Unbreakable”.

Out stumping his TV series “Wayward Pines”, Shyamalan tells IGN he still wants to follow-up the Bruce Willis-Samuel L.Jackson film, and is even considering television – having had a good experience on the former – as a possible platform for it.

“Could you do a six-episode Unbreakable series on Netflix or HBO? Yeah! That’s cool. I even had an idea of doing a story that goes in one form, and a second part that’s in another form, and a third one’s in a different form. You never do the same form. It would be like, movie, then, let’s say, cable, to TV, whatever, and then a play; it goes straight online, and it finishes like that. It’s in four different forms, and it never goes back to the old one. It could be kind of cool.”

Obviously, if the film goes the small screen route neither Willis or Jackson would likely reprise their roles from the film.

New Point Break featurette on how the remake differs from the original
