
Valentine’s Day

By Michael Gencarelli

Before entering this screening I was hesitant that it would be just another chick flick, boy was I wrong.The film follows an all-star ensemble cast with intertwining storylines, think Love Actually minus the British accents. The film showcases the romance and heartbreak that develops over the course of one Valentine’s Day. The film weaves in and out of each story, connecting them all together while providing a few surprises along the way. When the movie had ended, I had laughed, shed a few tears and walked out of the theater with a huge smile on my face.

The film takes place in Los Angeles all in the course of one day, February 14. The film opens with Ashton Kutcher’s character, Reed Bennett, proposing to his girlfriend Morley played by Jessica Alba. To his delight she accepts, he celebrates by screaming out of his window, “She said yes!” From that point on, the movie zooms in and out of each story; sharing the tales of grade school love to that of a couple celebrating over 50 years together.

Since I am not typically keen on seeing the usual romantic comedy, it was a real treat to become involved with each story.The film took me on a whirlwind journey where I found myself waiting to see how each story played out. Will Morley have second thoughts about marrying Reed, will Kara, played by Jessica Biel, end up hating Valentine’s Day and spending it alone, or what will happen to Holden & Kate (Bradley Cooper & Julia Roberts) after they get off their 14 hour flight. Each story finds a way to connect itself together with the next and pulls you to the edge of your seat. Not everyone will find love in the end, but they get to experience the joy and pain that comes along with it.

In closing, I will say this, if you are a guy taking your girlfriend or wife to this film and dreading it as I was, get ready to laugh and possibly even shed a tear or two. If this isn’t the case, you may want to check your pulse. If you are seeing this movie with someone special, get ready to have a good time and walk out holding hands just a little tighter than when you walked in.


Sure there’s a music video, a featurette or three, a peppy commentary by director Marshall and some deleted scenes but are they are match for the…. theatrical trailer for “Sex and the City 2”!?

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