
Van Damme to star in Bloodsport 2

With his proposed comeback film "Kumite" – basically just a Xerox of "Bloodsport" anyway – proving to be more trouble to get off-the-ground than a scottish fold that’s been taken for a walk, scooper ‘Paul’ has let us know that Jean Claude Van Damme has decided to play it safe and sensibly – he’ll star in a direct sequel to his breakthrough hit, "Bloodsport" (1987).

"Bloodsport : A New Beginning", to be penned by the original scribe Sheldon Leitch, is expected to go before the cameras next year.
According to a source, it will bring the "Bloodsport concept into the 21st Century in a way you can hardly imagine".

The original film actually spawned three sequels, but they had little to do with the original film and were released straight to video. Daniel Bernhardt starred in all three films.

In the original, the muscles from Brussels was Frank Dux, a chap who entered an illegal underground martial-arts competition where many have been known to cark it.

Van Damme and Leitch are also about to start work on another film, "Hard Corps".

Thanks to ‘Paul’

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