
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj (DVD)

This movie delivers exactly what it promises (well, besides the fact that Ryan Reynolds’ character ‘Van Wilder’ – the dude the movie’s named after – doesn’t actually appear in the movie) – a sequel quality series of college sex, beer, and, well, more sex jokes very loosely attached to a story about Taj’s quest to be included and finally revered in the Greek system at his college.

Kal Penn, Lauren Cohan, Daniel Percival, Glen Barry, Anthony Cozens, Steven Rathman, Holly Davidson, Tom Davey

This movie delivers exactly what it promises (well, besides the fact that Ryan Reynolds’ character ‘Van Wilder’ – the dude the movie’s named after – doesn’t actually appear in the movie) – a sequel quality series of college sex, beer, and, well, more sex jokes very loosely attached to a story about Taj’s quest to be included and finally revered in the Greek system at his college.

Taj Mahal Badalandabad (Kal Pen) goes off to grad school at Camford University in England where he must educate all those up tight English, and particularly one hot uptight fellow teaching assistant Charlotte Higginson (Lauren Cohan) about humanities, antiquities, and how to party hardy. In the process, he manages to whip up his rag-tag house of misfits, the “Cock n Bulls” into a winning fraternity on campus.

If you loved the first one, you’ll like this one. It’s not quite as funny, not quite as witty, not quite as interesting – yet if you’re chuggin a few brewskies with your frat brothers and can’t seem to score on any of your sorority sisters, it’s a harmless 90-minute consolation. Besides, it’s better than wasting your time studying for the test!

The DVD includes such ‘don’t bother with’ style extras including a fluffy EPK-style making-of; some deleted scenes and bloopers and a 4-minute on-set tour.

Rating :
Reviewer : Clare Bath

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