
Wanted Dead or Alive : Hoaxer who killed Jon Bon Jovi via Twitter

The Twittersphere and the Internet prematurely started printing obits for Jon Bon Jovi today, with some numbskull successfully spreading a false rumour that the musician and actor had died of cardiac arrest.

“I happened to be with Jon Bon Jovi when we heard rumors of his death. He’s alive and well and I shot this to prove it,” Photographer David Bergman just tweeted.

Along with a card showing the date and time, the Bon Jovi frontman and “U-571” actor had “Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey” doodled on the hand accessory.

What a waste of time, jerks; cooking up bullshit rumours like this. You don’t think this is actually funny, do you? The guy has fans and friends but more so, family. As if they want to read that Jon has passed away at Cardiac arrest on some blog.

You fools are “Wanted Dead or Alive”

And here’s a few classics to celebrate the life… and continuing life… of Jon Bon Jovi.

Trailer for Sam Worthington’s big payday Wrath of the Titans

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