
Warner Bros skeds superhero pic for July, 2018

With the brother’s Warner woodying over everything superhero at the moment- and who can fault them? they’re a few legs behind Marvel still – no surprise to hear that a feature film take on Cartoon Network series “Teen Titans Go!” is in development. The studio announced today that the film takes the July 27, 2018 release date that James Wan’s “Aquaman” once occupied.

The animated superhero film marks the third toon n’ tights effort for 2018 – with the Miles Morales-led animated “Superman” movie and “The Incredibles 2” also coming out.

It’ll only be a matter of time, I guess, before the WB get going on a live-action “Teen Titans” movie too- – -but they’ll want to push out a couple of “Justice League” movies first.

Via ‘Deadline

Trailer : Gotti

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