
Will the next one be Fantastic?

Looks like the Boys (and girl) in Blue will be back on the beat before we know it.

Ioan Gruffudd and his wonderfully long arms appeared on TV’s The Big Breakfast today, says Aint it Cool, and announced that they’ve got the greenlight on a "Fantastic Four" sequel.

The head of FOX apparently contacted the actor last week – following the film’s surprise success at the U.S box office – and told him that they’re a lock for the sequel.

Hot-head Chris Evans told Time Out that they see the sequel as a second chance to make something even better – hardly a challenge – than the first film.

"I look at it as a second chance – a round two," he sys "You’re always your own worst critic, so you see your performance, you see the way the film was structured and what our final product was and know immediately what we could have done to make it better. It’s exciting to know exactly what I can personally do to bring my game up, and I think everyone involved, not just actors – the writers, the special effects guys – can see what worked and what didn’t so the second one can do nothing but improve."

Meantime, 007 fave Ioan Gruffudd is refuting claims that he’s snagged that role. "It’s very flattering but there’s no truth in it at all," he tells ITV. "I would love to play the part but I think I’m 10 years’ too young."

NBC/Universal pass on American Gothic movie

Moviehole MailBag – 21/7/05