
Will third time be the charm for Star Blazers movie?

’70s toon “Star Blazers” is coming to the big screen thanks to rich-boy David Ellison (the actor cum producer who has helped bankroll everything from “Mission : Impossible – Ghost Protocol” to Awards contender “True Grit”) and his Skydance Productions. According to Deadline, Ellison wants Christopher McQuarrie (“The Usual Suspects”, “The Wolverine”) to pen the script for the feature film version.

An adaptation of the Japanese anime series, ”Space Battleship Yamato” I, II & III, “Star Blazers” sees Earth threatened by a deadly interstellar empire, with humans informed they’ve only a year to live, but Space Battleship Yamato, the first to break the speed of light, embarks on a journey to Iscandar with the mission to retrieve the Cosmo Cleander D, a radiation removal system which will hopefully rescue Earth.

A Japanese film based on the the property was released in December, but this will be the first time an English-language version of “Blazers” will have come to fruition. In the ’90s, Disney held the rights and had tapped Tab Murphy to pen a film version. When Michael Eisney left Disney, the film went away. A couple of years back, Benderspink and producer Josh C. Kline attempted to make a “Star Blazers” movie; they too were unsuccessful in their plight.

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