
William Shatner back for next Star Trek!?

Is William Shatner finally returning to the Deck?

Though his Captain James T.Kirk died at the hands of a mediocre succumbing in 1995’s “Star Trek : Generations”, word has it that Roberto Orci, the chap in charge of the next “Star Trek” film, wants to resurrect him for the next feature. But more than that, he wants to reunite Shatner with Leonard Nimoy, whose Spock would also be making a reappearance.

While Nimoy appeared in the most recent “Trek” films, Shatner hasn’t been keen on the idea of a reprise –if only because he hasn’t felt enough of a reason to do so. Orci, according to Bad Ass Digest, hopes to rectify that.

I have learned that the script for Star Trek 3 includes a scene that reteams Shatner and Nimoy onscreen as Kirk and Spock for the first time in canon since 1991’s Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. It would be a pretty huge moment for fans of the franchise, and likely the last time we’ll ever see Shatner as James T. Kirk in official continuity.

Will it happen? The movie is still a ways out from shooting, but unlike the cameo intended for 2009’s Star Trek this appearance is plot-driven and integral enough that it might just survive any future revisions. And if it does, will Shatner – who can be prickly – agree to the appearance?

Fingers crossed – no, not like that Vulcan!

“Star Trek III : The Search for Substance” (gag) supposedly kicks off early next year.

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