
WIN Black Water on DVD!

Thanks to AI Entertainment, Moviehole has 10 copies of BLACK WATER up for grabs on DVD.

Grace, her boyfriend Adam and younger sister Lee decide to take a river tour whilst holidaying in Northern Australia.

As they drift into a mangrove swamp their boat is suddenly capsized and Jim, their guide, disappears. Realising they’ve been attacked by a crocodile, Adam drags Grace to the safety of a tree whilst Lee clings on top of the overturned boat. Adam and Grace frantically try and manoeuvre Lee and the boat to the tree but it is firmly stuck.

Stranded in the flooded mangrove swamp, the three holiday makers must work out what to do to survive.

To WIN : Tell us what our quote said on the Black Water flyer – you can check for yourself here (in our forums, where we have a scan of it).

Wall-E [Blu-Ray]

WIN The Black Balloon on DVD!