
Winstead on Die Hard 5 and Scott Pilgrim

I just got off-the-phone with an exhausted – she’s just come from a Martial-Arts class, something she’s learning for Edgar Wright’s new film – but oh-so-lovely Mary Elizabeth Winstead. The guts of the chat was on her upcoming musical dance-drama “Make it Happen”, but naturally we also discussed the possibility of another “Die Hard” movie, and also the Wright movie. The full interview will be up next week.

Here’s a tease :

What are you working on next?

I have a film I’m going to start, with Michael Cera and directed by Edgar Wright, called Scott Pilgrim vs. the world. I’m extremely excited about it. I actually just started Kung-Fu training for it today!

Oh really? Wow!

Yeah! It’s going to be really cool. I’m such a fan of Edgar’s – I can’t believe I’m going to be involved with it.

Edgar is great. A real film buff. We did an interview for Hot Fuzz a year or so ago and all we talked about were Steven Seagal movies – or more precisely, possible titles for future Steven Seagal movies.

Really? That’s so funny. He’s great. Like Quentin [Tarantino], he’ll talk for hours.

I remember we also talked a lot about Die Hard – and he was really cheesed that Bruce didn’t have…

his hair. Yeah I know [Laughs]. I got that too.

Oh really he’s still going on about it?

Yeah [Laughs]

Are you back to Kung-Fu training this week?

I don’t really know. Started today, and we’ll see the schedule soon. I’m hoping to be pretty bad-ass by the end of it.

You must be sore. You go from dance to kung-fu?

I know [Laughs]. My body gets a beating.

Have you heard any rumblings of another Die Hard movie?

I haven’t. I’ve read things online here and there, but I’m not sure how reputable they are. I haven’t heard anything from the studio or from the director.

Are you contracted to do another?

I don’t think so, but I hope if they do another one they bring ol’ Lucy back!


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