
Bride of Frankenstein to start filming in February

The next instalment in Universal’s Dark Universe is “Bride of Frankenstein”, and despite the poor reception of the first film “The Mummy” starring Tom Cruise, it looks to be full steam ahead.

Director Bill Condon spoke to Forbes, and confirmed that the production date is set at February 1st, 2018. The movie will be filmed in London, where pre-production is currently taking place.

We start on February 1st, 2018 so it’s the early days but just to be here in London, starting to see locations and to talk about sets that we’re building, it’s very exciting. For me, the James Whale movie is really right there in the pantheon for me. As you know, the Bride is a character who appears in the last five minutes and then is destroyed so it’s a way to almost continue the movie that you imagine the movie he might have made the third Frankenstein movie but in 2018.

Despite the fact that the film is moving along as planned, no actress has been set to play the Bride, as yet. Javier Bardem is on board to play Frankenstein, but as for his bride? No dice. Angelina Jolie’s name has been circling for some time, but Condon didn’t confirm anything.

I think pretty soon but I think we’re trying to figure that out now but obviously, pretty soon we’re going to have to start really honing in on it. I’m not trying to be coy but I really shouldn’t say.

Apart from “Bride of Frankenstein”, the Dark Universe has a number of other films to round out the series, including “The Invisible Man” (starring Johnny Depp), “The Wolfman” and “Creature From the Black Lagoon”.

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