
Disney doing Indiana Jones 5, but no whips are cracking just yet

In not so surprising news, considering the studio just snapped up the rights to the franchise (doing nothing with it would be like a horndog hiring an escort for the night and merely using her to fill up couch space in his apartment), Disney has confirmed that a fifth “Indiana Jones” movie is on the way.

The studio nabbed the rights for Lucasfilm’s ‘other’ famous Ford-driven movie series a couple of weeks ago. The deal sees Paramount retaining the distribution rights to the previous four ‘Indy’ movies, with Disney free to make further movies in the series.

Disney’s Alan Horn tells Variety that they are planning to bring Harrison Ford’s ageing archeologist back to the big screen – but it might be a few years before we see him again.

“We haven’t done anything,” said Horn, chairman of the Walt Disney Studios. “We don’t have a story. We need a story.”

It’ll be two to three years before “Indiana Jones 5” hits the ‘plex, says Horn.

Meantime, he’s focused on exploiting the shit out of the “Star Wars” brand – planning to release a new SW film every year from 2015. Amongst those new films, the three-part sequel trilogy to “Return of the Jedi”, as well as spin-off’s based on classic characters, as well as new ones. Can’t wait for ‘Lumpu the Wookie’ myself.

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