
Adrien Brody as Abraham Lincoln?

Possibly. Though I’m not referring to Steven Spielberg’s slow-simmering biopic that Liam Neeson, after years of postponements, disattached himself from. Actually referring to that quirky project over at Fox – the “Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter” thing, based on the novel of the same name by Seth Grahame-Smith (whose “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” is also getting the big screen treatment).

The movie, which Timur Bekmambetov is shooting for a June 2012 release, needs an actor to play the axe-throwing, zombie-killing Lincoln.

Brody, who recently worked with Fox on “Predators”, is one of the many actors screentesting for the role this week and next, according to Deadline.

Also trying on the beard are Josh Lucas (“Hulk”), James D’Arcy (“Master and Commander”), Benjamin Walker (“Flags of our fathers”), and Oliver Jackson-Cohen (“Faster”).

Lucas and Brody are essentially the only names among that bunch. Wonder if that scores them an extra point up front with the studio? Wouldn’t surprise me.

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