
Big 90210 reunion this weekend!

This weekend everyone – kids, parents, teachers, lollipop ladies, Florence Henderson – will gathered around the TV, watching one of the most anticipated reunion shows of the year : The beautiful, hugs ‘n all restoration of the original cool two-hander : sirs Dylan and Brandon – er, Luke Perry and Jason Priestley.

Sadly, Perry and Priestley don’t actually reprise their roles as West Beverly’s most famous students, and nor is the flick related to “90210”, but “Goodnight for Justice” is a Priestley/Perry hybrid all the same. The flick, which Priestley directs Perry in, airs this weekend on The Hallmark Movie Channel. And yes, I know you’ve now got to step away from the computer to change your underwear.

In all seriousness, I’m a big fan of these two guys. Priestley’s really proved himself as quite the accomplished director in recent years and Perry, well, he’s someone that should be ‘right up there’… have you seen his turn as Lane Frost in “8 Seconds” or his fun role in “The Fifth Element”? The boy is good.

An hour before the premier on Jan 29 (7pm EST) Jason and Luke will be doing a live chat directly with their fans, which is also a first! This event will take place on

Here’s the trailer :

“Goodnight for Justice” airs January 29th (Saturday, 8pm EST) on the Hallmark Movie Channel

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