
Christopher Walken set for Eastwood’s Jersey Boys

Christopher Walken’s been climbing the walls in the DVD dungeon of late, so it’s great to hear he’s finally found a way out.

The legendary actor has been saved by Clint Eastwood, who has found good use for the “Batman Returns” star in his upcoming “Jersey Boys” musical.

According to Deadline, Walken “will play the role of Angelo “Gyp” DeCarlo, the Jersey mobster who, in the show, served an unofficial consigliere role to the young singers as they tried to build their careers without falling into the grip of organized crime”.

Considering the film’s four young leads will be played by ‘never-heard-of-them’s’ I think we can expect to hear plenty more recognizable names cast in supporting roles. No word on whether Eastwood himself will appear on-screen.

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