
Crushing news for Veronica Mars fans

An email from creator Rob Thomas

I could vent, but I won’t. Well, not today anyway – not while I still live in hope.

Here’s “Veronica Mars” creator Rob Thomas’s email to TV Guide, today:

“I’m afraid I have to report that Veronica Mars is officially dead,” he wrote. “At least in TV show form. There’s really no way that it can happen now. I’m not sure the CW should’ve given the glimmer of hope. I think Dawn Ostroff genuinely would have liked to have continued on with a version of the show, but there was too much resistance around her. At the end of the day, it would’ve been kinder had the band aid simply been ripped off rather peeled away in than this agonizingly slow manner.”

The goal now, as I see it, would be to get Warner Bros to greenlight a “Veronica Mars” film.

Yes, that is steam. Just to the right of the ear.

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