
Dexter : Season 6

The sixth season of one of cable TV’s more unique offerings doesn’t hint at better things to come, but it does at least suggest there’s enough intrigue solely in Michael C.Hall’s deliciously devilish performance to keep the boat on course a little while longer.

Season 6’s plot takes the focus off Dexter’s inner-ticking and what makes the man and concentrates on the pitch that sold Showtime on the series in the first place : A serial killer tracking a serial killer while masquerading as a police officer.

So while things mightn’t be as exciting or enjoyable as the last few seasons, a return to basics is appreciated and does suggest the creators are eager to do away with the melodramatics and heavy characterization that slightly bogged down previous seasons.

There are a couple of twists this season, one you’ll see coming a mile away and one that’s kind of.. ridiculous.

While fans definitely won’t feel gutted, I think it’s fair to say our heroes instrument of choice does need a sharpening. Maybe Season 7 will be a return to the show’s glory days? (aka The John Lithgow years)

DVD Extras : include featurettes and interviews. No free sample of Type O encased in a plastic satchel within the DVD sleeve.


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