
G.I Jessica

“Day of the Dead” helmer snags Simpson

Someone’s been drinking.

Jessica Simpson has been hired by [drinkee] Steve Miner (“Lake Placid”, “Day of the Dead”) for his Marine comedy, “Major Movie Star”

If Simpson’s latest flick “Blonde Ambition” is no more than a straight-up remake of “Working Girl”, this one seems to be a carbon copy of “Private Benjamin”. The former Reality TV moppet plays a pampered star who decides to enlist in the Marines to win approval from a producer and a studio who considers her unsuitable for an upcoming military-themed pic. Upon arriving at Camp Pendleton, she realizes she’s made a mistake but decides to persist so she won’t let her country down.

This thing must be good too (ha)… apparently Avi Lerner snapped up the script five years ago.

(On a side note, I personally think – of the “Newylweds” duo – that Nick Lachey has the most bigscreen potential. He has a great look, and gave a great performance in the – reality – series. Can’t fathom why nobody has snapped him up yet).

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