
Help save Veronica Mars!

Here’s how you can play your part

You all know how I feel about “Veronica Mars”… and I’m sure at least half of you feel the same. So time to put our fondness for the show to good use… and save it!

Veronica Mars isn’t dead … at least not quite yet.

Fans from around the world have been campaigning for weeks and our newest campaign is to buy and send as many mars bars to the head of the CW (Dawn Ostroff) as possible!

After some poor soul selling imported mars bars on Amazon woke up to discover that Veronica Mars fans had bought over 600 bars in just over 3 hours, he decided to jump on our bandwagon and is now offering free shipping to the CW building, as well as keeping us actively updated on our campaign. At the time of writing this email, 2204 mars bars have been purchased and and over $500 has been raised to put towards buying even more.

June 15th is the cut off date as we were told this is the date that a “final decision” will be made, so we’re doing everything we can until then. A few people that live near the CW building will also be waiting for the delivery vans with cameras in hand to capture the moment for Veronica Mars fans from all over the world that have been active in the campaign.

The place where we’re buying the mars bars from is –

They have been amazing throughout the whole process.

Their blog where they’ve been keeping us updated with the numbers is –

Can you please try to mention this campaign in some way?


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