
Here’s Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man!

The first official photo of Andrew Garfield in full Spidey attire has hit the InterWeb.

How do you like it? Shoot something creamy from your wrist upon first view? Or are you printing out a banner on your dot matrix printer that says ‘Rehire Tobey’?

Personally, I like it – classic colours, some welcome touch-ups (are they mechanical web shooters humping Pete’s arm?) and not as bulky as the suit Maguire wore in the previous “Spider-Man” films.

Much like a cheating girlfriend that showers you in gifts, I didn’t want to like this new “Spider-Man” – it’d break my ‘Screw all remakes and reboots!’ rule – but this picture, accompanied with the casting of Emma Stone, Marty Sheen, Sally Field, Campbell Scott and, of course, “Social Network” scene-stealer Garfield, not to mention Marc Webb (helmer of the fabbo rom-com “(500) Days of Summer”) behind the Nikon, makes it hard to do a nose thumb.

“Spider-Man” 2.0 hits cinemas 2012. Bring an extra $3, you’ll need it to buy the glasses required to see Emma Stone’s cleavage in 3D.

Quick News – January 13, 2011

New Pic of Chris Evans as Captain America