
Is Bakugan next year’s Last Airbender?

Filmmaker Harold Zwart, who helped Sony turn a little profit on the “Karate Kid” reboot released earlier this year, will direct Universal’s “Bakugan”, based on the game and anime series ”Bakugan Battle Brawlers”, says The Wrap.

Having never seen the show, nor played the game, I refer to Wikipedia for the following rundown : “The story centers on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the battle brawlers who possess them. Though initially a failure in Japan, the series became popular in the United States and Canada, prompting the creation of a second season, New Vestroia, which aired in other countries before Japan. The third season, Gundalian Invaders, is currently broadcasting in the Canadian and US markets.”

Not a huge fan of Zwart’s stuff – though “The Karate Kid” did turn out better than I expected it would, and there’s moments in “One Night at McCools” that I enjoy.

Next year’s “Last Airbender” or something a little more tolerable?

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