
Is this the Star Wars Title…

Harry over at Aint it Cool has had word – I like to imagine via droid with the ability to transmit video via hologram – on what the new “Star Wars” flick might be titled. A couple of different sources have told Harry the same thing, suggesting these words might indeed end up adorning a one-sheet come 2015…

Star Wars Episode VII : The Ancient Fear.

So what’s old and scary, ya ask? Well, apparently Max Von Sydow’s character in the flick. Ming is old and nasty, they say.

But let’s also remember that the film is still over a year away from release, so the title of the film could easily change between now and then.

Hey folks, Harry here… in response to my article earlier today a new source has come forward to confirm information that I’ve been sitting on for over a month. As I’ve said – getting confirmation has been a bitch. I know lots of people in JJ’s camp – including JJ… but when I put the title to JJ… he never even responded. That alone was suspicious. But my original source had told me back in January that Abu Dhabi was a location, and when that came to be, he sent me a scoop that the title for STAR WARS EPISODE VII was THE ANCIENT FEAR.

I ran it by everyone in the editorial chatroom. Beaks, Merrick, Quint, Capone… everyone… and they rattled their sources cages – and couldn’t get confirmation… BUT tonight… a source that I’m told to call Col. Mustard claimed completely on his own that “the working title” was THE ANCIENT FEAR….

He also stated that “it refers to Max Von Sydow’s villain who makes Pazuzu look like a pussy!”

Now – let’s see what happens to the working title. Personally… I love it!

Meanwhile, in that Galaxy Far, Far Away, Zac Efron and Lupita Nyong’o are said to still be possibilities for the flick. Are they part of the next lot of names that Disney and Lucasfilm announce?

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