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The latest on Twin Peaks 2017

David Duchovny as DEA Agent Denise Bryson on "Twin Peaks"

The new season of “Twin Peaks” will premiere in the first half of 2017 on Showtime, the network confirmed today.

While information was light on, Showtime President and CEO David Nevins also informed attendees of the TCA’s that while he hasn’t seen any footage yet he has seen dailies and he was “instantly transported. These weren’t even cut scenes… The tone, the feel, it is so singular. We can’t wait to show it to the world.”

“It’s really gorgeous and has that feeling of sort of unsettling, eerie mystery and also sometimes really funny. I think it has a real sense of incredible specificity of Lynch’s characters.

As David Lynch and Mark Frost are still deep in editing, Showtime doesn’t know how many episodes of the show there’ll be yet. “You can do a show like ‘Twin Peaks,’ where we don’t even know for sure how many episodes there will be,” he said, adding that he’s open to the episodes being as long as they need to be. They might even release alternate versions of the episodes online.

Unlike most streamers, Showtime won’t release all episodes of “Twin Peaks” at once. There’ll be no binging here.

“Everything about ‘Twin Peaks’ is going to be unconventional — unconventional in the handling of it, unconventional in how we market it,” Nevins told reporters. “I really want to embrace the unusualness of it. I think it is quite possible that we’re not going to do a traditional release pattern. I don’t know what exactly that means. I’ve had a couple conversations with David, but I kind of want to embrace the unexpectedness of it. I can definitely see longer episodes or… It’s a question of how do we release it linearly? How do we release it for people who want to stream it? There may be a difference between the two.”

While no footage (or dailies) were screened, a behind-the-scenes promo reel played – featuring old and new “Twin Peaks” alumni talking up the show. There was a glimpse of Kyle MacLachlan, back in his Agent Cooper garb, that excited viewers, as well as footage of James Marshall’s James Hurley – looking much more dapper than he did in the earlier series.

“Twin Peaks” returns to the air next year.


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