
Lionsgate pull Schwarzenegger movie from festival

A couple of weeks shy of its intended Toronto International Film Festival bow, Lionsgate picks up Arnold Schwarzenegger-Abigail Breslin flick “Maggie” – then puts it on a shelf.

Yup, the studio’s plans for the film include pulling it from TIFF, and releasing the zombie jaunt in theaters and VOD in the first half of 2015. No festival run.

Can’t say whether or not yanking “Maggie” from TIFF is a good idea , but I can indubitably decry that it wouldn’t have hurt the film at all (unless, of course, it’s a stinker?). Here’s hoping the studio simply don’t want to let festival punters to see it, as they’ll be robbing everyone else the enjoyment and sheer ‘greatness’ of “Maggie” – and that wouldn’t be far. Yep. Let’s convince ourselves of that.

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