
Martin Lawrence to Move On Up?

According to eurweb, pistol-happy funnyman Martin Lawrence might be set for something, well, half-decent.

"Dukes of Hazzard" producer Billy Gerber wants the skinny fella behind Big Momma to star in his planned feature film version of "The Jeffersons".

Lawrence would play George and Queen Latifah would play Weezy, according to that ever-so-reliable rumour mill.

"Tell him to Call Me", the actor tells the site, smiling at that prospect of bringing one of TV’s most beloved characters to the big fat elongated matte.

"The Jeffersons", the series, originally aired as a mid-season replacement. Hitting the air in 1975, the CBS comedy was a spinoff of "All in the Family’ in which the Jeffersons were Archie and Edith Bunker’s next door neighbors. In 1975, The Jeffersons moved on up when George found success in a dry cleaning business. This allowed him and his wife, Louise and their son Lionel to "move on up".

Next up, Lawrence is back as Big Momma in a sequel to the surprise comedy smash "Big Momma’s House". In the sequel, currently being filmed in New Orleans, Lawrence’s Agent Turner goes undercover as a nanny in a household where the father is under investigation. The fat suit is just as hot and uncomfortable as before, he says.

“It’s still kicking my butt. It’s unbearable at times, but that’s what they hired me to do, so there’s only so much complaining I can do,” Lawrence says. “But getting in makeup, 2 ½ hours every morning, wearing the fat face and everything and sweating under it, it’s not fun.”

Moviehole MailBag – 30/6/05

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