
Moviehole MailBag – 10/8/06

The one where Mel gets drunk

Guest Host : Adam Weeks
(did I mention I’m at MySpace now?)

Hey guys, welcome back for another sneaky-peek inside the Moviehole Mailbag. Email Weeksy with your most burning desires, and I’ll try my best to get you some kind of an answer – here we go:

Q. Yo, just read the article on Mel Gibson possibly doing a 5th “Lethal Weapon”…. Personally, I’d rather see a 4th “Mad Max” movie. It couldn’t be any worse than “Thunderdome” right? Just keeping CGI out of it, (or at least keeping it to a bare minimum) would be fine for me. Another “Lethal Weapon” though? Bleh.
As for Heath Ledger playing the Joker… I will absolutely trust the decision made in the casting, simply because “Batman Begins” turned out so great. There seems to be a ton of hate for the sequel just because of Heath Ledger’s name being involved. Do they expect Nicholson again? Perhaps they would prefer Ceaser Romero all over again?
I understand why people would want to see Crispin Glover, or whoever else was a fan fave, as the Joker… but the problem with that is, you already have a strong idea of how the actors would play the role. With the unexpected choice of Ledger, I honestly can say I do not know how this will turn out, and to me, that is part of the excitement. Besides, a campy Joker would seriously stick out (in a bad way) in these new “reality-based” style of Batman films. I say bring it on!
Oh, and The Dark Knight is the best title ever for a Batman movie yet! Here’s to hoping they keep that title and not use it as a “temp” title.

Now, for my questions…

1. I heard a while back that some of Stanley Kubrick’s movies were being given the special edition treatment. Is there any new info on that? I’ve been wanting a new edition of “A Clockwork Orange”, “2001”, and “Full Metal Jacket” for quite a while now….

2. Is there any word on whether or not the “Chronicles of Riddick” trilogy will ever be finished? I know a lot of people hated that movie, but since it is supposed to be the first in a trilogy, it would make sense that it is the beginning of a story right? A sort of “first act?” Like it or not, I doubt Vin Diesel could play a better character than Riddick anyway.

3. You would think he would notice the mockery going on each week… Holden can’t be for real. Stop playing around.

4. Shannon Tweed… just wanted to say the name, to keep tradition going.
– Paul

A. Personally, I don’t buy for a second that Mel Gibson is going to be anywhere near a “Lethal Weapon” film anytime in the foreseeable future – it just doesn’t ring true to anyone who knows anything about the behind the scenes goings on of the first four films. The legend is that Gibson took a blank cheque for “Lethal Weapon 4”, and even with his recent antics – it still wouldn’t get him back as Riggs.
As for Heath – I’m looking forward to seeing him as The Joker as well. A lot of people I’ve spoken to in the last week were first introduced to the character through Jack Nicholson’s portrayal, so maybe that is the case with some people….. I don’t know – I just see it being really dark & twisted, and I think Heath can pull that off.
OK, as for your questions: 1). No new info at the moment – I read the same stories on two discers and the like of some of his older films, but they seem to have died off in recent years. If anyone hears anything more (boss man), feel free to drop me a line.; 2). Riddick is a character that I have no doubt that Vin will eventually get back to – he’s told it to every person that has ever asked him, so that should happen sometime in the next couple of years I think – much smaller in scale, probably something more akin to “Pitch Black” than anything else. If you’re lucky enough to ever catch “Strays” playing, which Vin directed & starred in back in ’97, you should check that out – it’s what got Spielberg to write him into “Saving Private Ryan” – great film, but hard to find.; 3). Oh, he’s real brother. But he may be cluing in – I only got 6 e-mails from him this week, but for daring to suggest that he’s fiction, here’s the best: “do you think they will make a robin movie that be really cool i good idea to play in the robin movie chris evan,s could the next robin and make it really dark story what ever you guy,s i have an idea costume and mask i think it would be really cool by himself for the robin movie from holden”.; 4). Well, why not.

Q. Hello,
I’m a french movie fan and MovieHole reader.
I just finished a short film called MICROPOLAR (which means “little thriller” or “little drama” in french) and I’d be very honored if you’d see the movie. You can watch it on the movie official website
It’s a little movie, my first movie, in french (but I’m sure it’s ok), I produced it myself, it’s a very low budget, a first try so please be gentle!!! 😉
There is a little bit of music from ‘Narc’ and ’21 grams’ in the film, so I can’t sell it or send it to festivals. Despite that, I’m trying to show it as many people as possible to get as many feedback as possible! This is why I send a email to all the movie websites I love!
Keep up the amazing work
– Michael Jeanpert
A. So there you go boys & girls, keep up foreign relations by checking out Michael’s short film – and if you like it or even don’t like it, toss a little feedback his way..

Q. TV Guide Ask Ausiello column has reported interesting new casting spoilers for “Lost”, and he seems to be implying Eliza may be up for one of the new female roles.

Question: You are my new hero for revealing the sublime casting of Rodrigo Santoro on Lost. Any leads on who will be playing the two females? – Jen
Ausiello: ER’s Elizabeth Mitchell landed one of the roles, but the other one is still being cast. Word is it’s down to two actresses, one of whom readers of this column are quite familiar with, and the other, well, not so much – although I still get a ton of questions from clueless readers wondering when her recently axed TV show is returning.

Speculation is that it may well be Eliza, as his column gets bombarded with “Tru Calling” questions. I’m hoping Eliza gets cast, I love “Lost”. Can you find out anything, like IF it IS Eliza and IF it is what are her chances……..
– Kaity

A. Hmmmmmm. I don’t know if I would make the leap that it could be Eliza- it’s been well over a year now that “Tru Calling” has been gone. I think Michael was more than likely referring to Natasha Henstridge (“Commander In Chief”) in this case (or maybe Elizabeth Mitchell). I’ll shoot him off an e-mail though – but I think I’ve used up all my favours with him so far this year……

Q. Love your site and still check it everyday. Keep up the good work. Just one question, any idea when “Dawson’s Creek” the final season (Season 6) will be released on DVD in Australia? The US got it on April 2nd…
Maybe you could kick Warner in the arse for me and tell them to hurry it up along!!!
– Adam
A. You know what – I’ve got nothing on #6 hitting the shelves at the moment, but I know that past seasons have been quite a while after the U.S. release, so if I were a betting man, I might lay some cash on a Christmas / Early new year time-frame. We’ll kick ‘em in the ass in the meantime for some Dawson / Pacey / Joey goodness a little bit earlier.

Q. First thing why don’t you just block that Holden guy once and for all. He can’t even spell and the crap sequels he wants are just pathetic.
Anyway if “Lethal Weapon 5” gets made, do you think they’ll film it and have it out in theatres within 6 months like 4 was. Because considering most of the main people have had talks, none of them seem to be busy and Donnor said he already had a story planned out, in his head. So it could be possible.
-Hank McCoy
A. Ah, Beast – what do you mean you don’t like Holden? Here’s what he has to say: “when are comeing out with catwoman 2 and 3 it be cool to see it on big screen again fom holden”.
Again, from my own point of view – I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for another “Lethal” entry – and even if it were going ahead, Mel has a couple of projects still on the go that he would have to finish off before he’d be able to do it.

Q. I’ve been on a couple threads and message boards and heard that in the next season of “Smallville” that Bruce Wayne is suppose(d) to make an appearance. This could be old news – I don’t know, but is there any truth to that and who do you think could play him? – Paul
A. Errrrrr…… I’m gonna plead ignorance here – I really don’t watch or follow “Smallville” at all, so I wouldn’t have a clue as to whether it is legitimate or not. Chances are though, that it could have stemmed from here (note the date of the article).

Q. Hey, I’ve been hearing all around the web that Sienna Guillory WILL be coming back in ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’ as Jill Valentine, and less than a week later I keep hearing rumors that she WON’T be in ‘Extinction’. So you know what’s the real deal? Is Sienna going to or not going to be in ‘Extinction’? -Spike
A. Last I heard, Sienna won’t be in “Extinction” – Ali Larter will though, playing Claire Redfield.

Q. i want knew that wheather eng or hollword director are willing to make a moie in india or not? – Amit
A. Ummmmmmmmm….. Yes. (Did I win?)

Q. Heya. Any idea of when they’ll announce who’ll play Harvey Dent in the upcoming “Dark Knight”? I’m seriously hoping its to be Guy Pearce, failing that then either Josh Lucas or Hugh Jackman… -Alex
A. Well, you would think it would be sooner rather than later. The name I’ve been hearing for the last year has been Liev Schreiber, but who knows if that will be the case in the end.

Q. Just read your review of “World Trade Center”. Why even dignify this farce with a review? Who’s got the balls to make a movie about what REALLY happened on 9/11 when towers one and two became the first skyscrapers to collapse by fire at nearly free-fall speed in a nice pile within their own footprints?! Here’s the title: “Controlled Demolition”. – Greg
A. Wow. I personally find that to be an incredibly ignorant comment to make – but you’re entitled to your opinion, as are the other readers that are gonna jump all over that one next week….. Let’s look past all the “conspiracy theories” and remember this – the events of 9/11 were a tragedy, quite possibly the greatest single tragedy of our lifetime – if only for the catastrophic loss of innocent human lives – that is the point of Oliver Stone’s film, to remember and honor those brave men & women who fought to save those people.

Q. Hey my man Clint. It’s been a while since I asked u questions maybe 4 months now haha good to hear ur still kicking and screaming. Anyways I want to ask you about 3 movies.
What’s happening with…
”Scorpion King 2”; “Ice Age 3” (is it going to happen); “Voltron” (it was once announced right it was exciting for me cz i watched the series and loved it)
– Modz
A. Ok, firstly, 1). Nothing, nada, zip, zilch.; 2). I would hazard a guess that we will most likely see another “Ice Age” probably late 2008, early 2009; 3). Latest listing over at IMDB says 2008 – who knows?

Q. Hey, Whats the dillio with “The Wendell Baker Story”? Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Eva Mendes …. WTF!! Where is it???
– Kokamo
A. “Wendell Baker” has been making the rounds at festivals since 2005, but it has gone straight to DVD in several countries…. I dare say that it will be the same here in Oz eventually.

Q. Clint, Any word on who might direct “T4”? Any names being tossed out? Gossip Monkey must have the 411 by now:) – ABking
A. Hey brother. I hear that Mostow may get another crack if it gets that far – Monkey can feel free to pitch in with his patented Gossip at any point however….

Q. Is Tom Cruise the no.13th on “Ocean’s 13” or this is just wishful thinking among fans? – Neil
A. Ummmmmm, I doubt it very much…… I think Ellen Barkin and Andy Garcia are considered as rounding out the crew this time, aren’t they? It would be cool to see Topher Grace take up the reigns though – he’s been in the last two.

Q. Hey mailbag man! How do you think Mel’s film career will be affected by the drinking and driving incident? Any predictions? I’m a huge Mel fan and I believe he is truly sorry for what he said. – Chris
A. Look – the guy did say some nasty stuff – and I don’t defend it at all – but I’ve also said some shit that I didn’t necessarily believe when I was drunk as well – mostly that if Carmen Electra was offering herself to me, I’d knock her back, ‘cause that’s how I roll…… total nonsense. The biggest thing that has hurt Mel here is the back-story that came with him during “The Passion”, especially the stuff involving his father. I think Mel is very apologetic for what happened – and given a bit of time, it will be chalked up to some drunken ramblings.

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