
Moviehole MailBag 14/7/05

Hello good people, Adam Weeks here fresh from my date with that hot girl from “Lost” (yeah right).
I’m having my “O.C.” withdrawal already, and it’s only been 2 days since the finale aired here in Australia. I suppose that I can take solace in the fact that when I head over to the U.S. in a few months, that I’ll get to see a few episodes of the new season.
But, that’s just another sad, sad reason why I will probably spend the majority of my time in a hotel room watching US television for 2 weeks. Here’s the (hopefully) 100% Buffy-free version of the Moviehole Mailbag!

This may or may not be something you would consider worth posting, But I consider it pretty important (as would many fans). As you know that HBO pulled the plug on “Carnivale” after some back and forth on the issue… Leaving thousands of fans on a shacky cliff hanger, The problem is that there are still a whole lot of people out there that don’t even know this (Mostly due to HBO’s LONG waits between seasons)…. You may remember the story of the show "Roswell" where the fans through persistence and a few stunts where actually able to get the show back on for another season, To get to the point it would be great if you could post a story or maybe some kind of short interview with me telling people what they can do to get back on the air that could really make the difference we need. We NEED publicity for this to work, There is a petition here: at Petition Online.
Here is a link for a direct feedback form to HBO about “Carnivale”
And more info About our project can be found here.
Thank you, MVW(Aka Ben)

Hey Ben. Normally, I don’t really go in for the “Bring Back whatever” campaigns, but having discovered “Carnivale” on DVD, I can totally understand the reasons behind wanting to get back that, and other shows like “Dead Like Me”. Dan Knauf himself spoke out on it the other day, by saying “I believe HBO is horrified, because network executives rise and fall by the decisions they make, and right now they have to be wondering if they made the right decision”, So all you Moviehole champions out there should sign up, even if you haven’t seen the show… and if you haven’t, pick up the DVD set, you won’t be disappointed.

Hi I have a few questions that you may be able to answer.
What’s the deal with the new omen movie "Omen 666" any update on this and what are the chances of “I Know What You Did Last Summer 3” actually going into the cinema I mean “Urban Legend 3” went DTV what’s so good about “I Know 3” that it gets a theatrical release.
When do you think we will get an announcement on “Spiderman 3” I’m tired of all the speculating who are the villains is it just Sandman or will there be more.
And I may as well ask if you know when we can expect full trailers for:
”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, “Final Destination 3”, “Superman Returns” (or a teaser trailer) & “The Fog”.
Oh and just one more thing is it true the Jan De Bont is going to direct New Lines "MEG"?

Jeez, could you have gotten any more questions in there?!?! Alright, thinking caps on for this one. “The Omen 666” is still in the early stages of development, but at this stage is on track for release late next year. “I Know 3” is more than likely headed to the big screen, mainly due to the good notices that Michael Weiss is getting for his “Butterfly Effect 2”script which apparently is incredible….. as far as “Urban Legend 3” was concerned….. it just wasn’t very good. “Spiderman 3” villains may just be getting announced at Comic-Con this week (according to rumours), and as for full trailers on those films you’ve mentioned, I only know that the full “Harry Potter” trailer should be out very soon, and I would expect at least a teaser for “Superman” in the next 1-2 months. And yes, Jan DeBont is sitting in the chair for “Meg”, and given his work on “Speed”& “Twister”in particular, I think he’ll do a nice job.

This is my quote of the year now:
"And the readers of ‘Dolly’ scream with glee."

Yeah, yeah, he’s friggin hilarious.

G’day Clint i read the interview with Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman what was their problem with Christan Bale was he to intense for them, they didn’t sound like they enjoyed working with him how are they going to make another film. I think he did the best job beacuse he is intense.

Okey dokey. Outside of the run-on sentencing there, I wouldn’t read too much into their joking behaviour when it came to comments about Christian. Chris, Morgan & Gary from all reports got along very well, I think they were just having a bit of a dig at their new buddy.

Hi Clint,
We have just completed an comic-book/action/anime style movie in London called ‘Dark hero’
Please check out our site for trailer at Dark Hero.
It would be great if we could get a mention on your fab site.
Thanks for your time,
Paul Greer
Director : Vanguard Entertainment Ltd.

No problems Paul, as long as I get the numbers of those young English lasses in the trailer.

Hi Guys, Just wanted to throw you out a big thanks for awarding me with a double pass to the Lunar Drive In. My wife and I checked out “F4” on Saturday night and had a great time. I hadn’t been to the drive-in since I was a kid and we were going to wait until this latest Marvel marvel came to $1 weekly status before seeing it. It might have been that fact that it was free, I don’t know, but I must say though that I was pleasantly surprised. Obviously shooting for a younger demographic than the last few from the same franchise, it won’t go down it history as the greatest of flicks but ’twas fun nonetheless.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.

Shayne, glad you enjoyed the trip to Lunar, the most kick-ass Drive-In happening today, and coming from an Adelaide boy who made a trip to Victoria just to go there, that’s sayin’ something. “Fantastic Four” has surprised a few people, if only for the fact that it doesn’t suck…… I don’t know if that’s a good thing though….. enjoying a film because it doesn’t suck….

Hey Clint.
Just want to know what are your thoughts of Vin Diesel playing “Hitman”? I just could not accept the fact that the guy is actually Agent 47. How come they never got Jason Statham as Agent 47? He looks like the real dude from the game. And one more thingy, anything you can spill on a sequel to “Van Helsing”?
Thanks, Swinger

I like those kinds of parties as well….. sorry, where was I….. Yeah… I dunno, I really like Jason Statham and thinking about it, I’d probably prefer to see him in the role as well, but Vin’s got the Box Office draw going for him, so we’ll have to wait and see. “Van Helsing 2” probably won’t get anywhere near off the ground until “X-Men 3”, “The Mummy 3” and probably “Wolverine” are all said and done.

Hello, Just wanted to let you guys know about a new film titled The Rockville Slayer. The film stars Joe Estevez, Robert Z’Dar and Linnea Quigley. The film should have foreign and domestic DVD release soon. Check out the trailer and web site at The Rockville The film was shot in HD 24p and directed by Marc (Short cut road) Selz. Just wanted to let you know. Feel free to plug it if you can.
Thanks, Claudia: Marc Selz Productions,LLC.

Linnea Quigley, the Queen of Scream?!?!?! Damn right I’ll plug it!

Hello, thanks so much for always responding to mine and many others questions every week when you really don’t have to. This is the best movie site period and I love coming here everyday. And even my wife asks me about this site(who does not do any internet activity herself) and wanted me to ask you a question cause she knows your the best so thanks so much for being my place I call home for movies. I know you don’t get a lot of praise for what you do, but I wanted to at least give you some cause you should hear it now and then. Now to the question, awhile back you confirmed the new Mortal Kombat movie is going to come out. It does start shooting next May if I remember right, just wondering if any news has changed and if anybody from the new game "Deception" will be in the movie. Any idea as far as a release date, thanks again!!

Thanks for the kind words bud. I do deserve a lot of praise, mainly cause I’m so kick-ass. Speaking of “Mortal Kombat”, the next one is still set to go before cameras in May, but other than that, there’s not a whole lot I can tell you about the characters, other than Christopher Lambert circling around playing Raiden again.

How you doin’. I was just wondering if you can shed a little light on the sequel to “Meet The Fockers”. is it true their going to call it "Meet The Little Focker"? And I heard Michael Bay’s writers quit on the writing duties for “Transformers” and going to do “M:I 3” instead. What’s up with that?

I’d call bulls**t on both of those rumours at this point. No one else has yet to verify the “Focker” story that came up the other day, and unless they’re still writing “M:I 3” after they’ve already started filming, I wouldn’t put much faith in that either.

G’day Mate,
Cheers for a great site. Just wondering if you have any idea when the “Marco Polo” miniseries from the 80’s will be released on DVD in Australia? I have seen versions on E-bay but they are like a 100 bucks for a dodgy dutch copy.
Cheers, Brad

G’day Brad. Absolute beans on a release of “Marco Polo” on DVD here in Oz, or anywhere else for that matter. Do yourself a big favour and probably hold off on forking over the big bucks for a couple of crap VCD’s until you hear anything more.

Has anyone heard anything about releasing all the “Young Indiana Jones” TV series on DVD as has been done with so many other TV shows?

Well Tom, I suppose the good news is that “Young Indy” is definitely coming as I know for a fact that they are working on special features for it as we speak. My guess is that it will come out sometime shortly before “Indy 4” hits the big screen, but if I had to guess, I’d say early to mid next year.

Hi, Can you tell me when the movie Universal Groove with Corey Haim will be coming out? or is it already out? i am finding it impossible to find

Hmmmm, who would’ve figure that a new Corey Haim picture would be hard to find…… Alright, “Universal Groove” is due on the bottom shelf of your nearest Blockbuster sometime this Christmas.

Since there is so much attention to ALL the other campaigns for tv, I wanted to write you and let you
know of BIG screen on.
This is for ALL the Buffyverse, including BOTH SMG and DB who have said they would be interested if the scripts were right, included people like Xander heavily, and was on the big screen.
Since Joss is ALL about movies and after what he is done for Serinity can a big screen Buffyverse movie really be the way to go? Think of the special effects, the incredible storylines that can come with having this WHOLE group back again!
Will you help get the word out, you sexy thing???????
You know you would watch…… come on…

I knew it was too good to last. As Charlie Brown is fond of saying: “Good Grief”. I think Clint deliberately saves the “Buffy” questions for me. Someone’s gotta keep saying it apparently: I’d love to see the gang back together again, but it’s Not. Gonna. Happen. Especially not on the big screen. Sorry!

Carnivale fans get the Carousel moving again

Silver asks Diaz to play Wonder Woman