
Moviehole MailBag – 14/9/06

The double-header edition

(did I mention I’m at MySpace now?)

Hey there kiddies, Weeksy comin’ at ya with a double header for a Thursday night, kickin’ it off with the Mailbag, and continuing straight on to my Fall Kick-Off special “Late Edition”, so it’s a busy one, no time to waste, here we go:

Glad to see not much has changed in the last month, and Holden continues to write into us with his fascinating ideas – now I got a fuckin’ killer headache watching the 3-D version of “Monster House” the other night, and this stuff gives me the same kind of feeling – here they are, feel free to skip past ‘em at any time:

Q. what,s up the speed racer movie i thought of cast member,s okay kevin farley as the cheif manger and haley joel osment as t.k.put the monkey with the boy for racer x joey lawrnce as racer x and also for trixy michelle trachtenberg as trixy and for speed racer lucas black as speed racer – from holden

Q. hey clint when are they going to make another darkman4 that would be really cool to see on the big screen and makeit pg-13 – from holden

Q. what about mad max 4 are they planing to make that movie i hope so because should bring it back to big screen any way it,s for time for another car movie because it,s kick car chaseing movie what about knight rider movie are still planing to make that movie i hope so we need to see the knight rider again on big screen – from holden

Q. hey clint are they planing for the dukes of hazzard 3 i hope so if it did if they finish the 3rd installment that would be really cool they should make 3 more film,s to 4 5 6 kind like terminator trilogy any to make 3 more film,s to comeptele the trilogy – from holden

Q. hey clint how,s it going dude i got some more idea,s okay do you think they do superboy movie okay in comic,s the coustome red jacket and black shirt and red boot,s red belt i heard they weren,t going to do movie of it superboy take,s place in los angeles i had good idea for the story but frist i want to do the story of robin story frist then maybe later after the robin i want to do superboy any way write me back – from holden

Q. Clint, Is MGM the new “Terminator 4” distributor or is it the WARNER BROTHERS like on “T3”? – ABking
A. Errrrrr, not real sure myself. I guess they’ll probably wait until it gets going a bit more, and then see who puts in the best bid for Distribution. I’ve got the sneaking suspicion that it probably will be WB though.

Q.Is it just me, or are DVD distributors trying to piss off consumers? I’ve recently found that many DVD distributors, especially in regards to TV Shows, are constantly changing their packaging. One season it’s three double disc cases, then next season a six disc multi case, and then a slimline case. This is really starting to annoy me. My DVD shelf looks like its been hit by a mismatched DVD packaging truck. I would really love it if distributors offered an exchange/update scheme for consumers to replace all their old DVD packaging for a few dollars, so that their collections would match. It’s an easy way for them to gain a few extra bucks here and there from anal retentive/obsessive compulsive people like me. – CJ
A. Yeah, it looks like not a lot has changed since my time at EzyDVD 5 years back. Here’s the thing – the more split season volumes, special packages, extra special editions etc. that they put out, the more money people are gonna spend. Best example I can think of off the top of my head is “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” – FOX put out the DVD sets first in the UK & Australia, but split them up into half season boxes, but you basically were still paying for a full season; after a couple of months, sales would realistically begin to slide, so FOX would say, “OK, let’s spend a couple of cents on making a new box for the set, and sell them off as complete seasons”; a while down the track, the thrill of buying a complete set has worn off on people who either bought the original split versions, or held off for a full set – FOX still has plenty of the discs left in stock, so they either sell them off as individual discs, or they repackage them in slimline cases and make a bit of extra cash that way. The buying public got a bit wary of that in the end however, so I know that a lot of distribution companies abandoned that kind of story with the box sets, and just changed it to full seasons every time. Spare a thought for our brothers & sisters in the UK who appear to still be getting slammed on this constantly – case in point being season1 of “Prison Break” – it’s a full season here & in the U.S., but the Brits are still getting it split in two.

Q. Are you watching the WB’s final night this Sept.17? I know I am to see the cool promos, the Mascot Frog for the last time and no way you can close the night and network without “Dawson’s Creek”. – Gerard
A. I’m not personally gonna be able to watch it, although I am heading stateside again shortly, so I’ll check out the CW when I get there. I do like the fact that WB are really playing up the shows that got the network fans in the first place – lining up “Buffy” & “Dawson’s” etc. It does sound cool.

Q. Hey there, I was hoping you could help me out. I recently bought “The Flash” DVD set (region 4) only to find that disc four is screwed. It keeps freezing up in the same places. My pal bought the DVD set also and it freezes up in the exact same place. Do you know who we can contact in regards to that. We don’t think it’s worth contacting the stores we bought them from as it seems to be a manufacturing fault. – Shelly
A. Hey Shelly – according to Warner Brothers (I don’t know if they know of a fault or not), you should take your receipt and the set back to the store you bought it from, and they can arrange for a swap over for you.

Q. Hello, long time reader, first time writing in.
I have a question that all I want is your opinion of. If there is another “Star Wars” movie or trilogy, do you think they will 1) Go back further and dive into the history of the Republic, a prequel of the prequel that I’ve heard a lot about. Yoda playing a big part fighting the Dark Jedi and/or Sith 2) or would it be better off to go forward with a sequel rebuilding the Jedi council or 3) do something similar to the upcoming television series and don’t include the Skywalker family. What would you like to see if they give it the green light, which i’m sure they will because of the money “Revenge Of The Sith” made.
– Trevor
A. Personally, I disagree with the Boss – I don’t think Lucas will ever make another “Star Wars” film, but if he does…… I dunno, you want my opinion on it, I guess I would like to see something taking place after the original trilogy – there was a great set of books that Timothy Zahn wrote set after “Return of the Jedi” that I would have loved to have seen on the big screen – I don’t think it’s gonna happen though.

Q. > Do you know if Arnold is still one of the producers on Will Smith’s “I Am Legend”? What are the chances Arnold loses re-election and signs to “Doc Savage”?:) – ABking
A. Yeah, I think Arnold is still attached as a Producer actually. I reckon that was part of the whole shebang back when he was going to star in it that he would still retain title blah blah blah. I think if his opponents keep doing this kind of thing, they may help to keep him in office a bit longer. What the hell is Arnold pulling a Nixon for by taping his conversations anyway!?!?

Q. Hi, I am overjoyed to see on your site that they are FINALLY bringing out “Twin Peaks” second series on DVD. By the sound of your news piece it seems that there are only 2 series, but it was always my understanding that there were 3 series. Does this mean that we will have to wait another 3 or 4 years to see the complete series on DVD? Or have I got it wrong, and the complete series will be done with this release? Can you clarify this at all? Thanks – Andrew
A. Yeah, it was definitely only two seasons made. Ratings started to go massively downhill, and David Lynch came back to Direct the finale hoping that it would improve things, but it was already a done deal. That’s kind of why I guess a lot of people are hoping for a Special Edition of “Fire Walk With Me”, because everyone involved said that the deleted material helped explain and wrap up a lot of stuff from the show….. Speaking of which:

Hey Clint, I was working with a guy last year who was preparing bonus materials for the new DVD of “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me” from mk2. He used many on-set photos I took (most of cut scenes) and I even signed a release and got a guarantee of a comp copy. The original target goal for release was supposed to be last December, but as we know it never happened. Money issues surely. I email both addresses anyhow and the email address for came back undeliverable. I suspect they got flooded and the box is full. Of course it came back in French, since they are based in France. Just thought I’d give a heads up.
Keep up the great site, it is one of my morning rituals!
– Tony
A. That’s pretty cool stuff brother – Clint is a massive “Twin Peaks” nut, so I’m sure if you ever wanted to share some of the pics that you took, he’d love to see them. Anyhow, I’m not sure if it’s a typo in your mail, or you’ve been sending it to the wrong address, but I believe the proper one is actually

Q. Please say it isn’t so! I read on msn yesterday that Daniel Craig will have a gay lover in Bond 22 (after “Casino Royale”) I hope this isn’t true. What the fark are they thinking? Do they really think they going to increase their core audience of young males by having two men going at it? James Bond never was, never has been, or never will be gay! – Chris
A. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…… I wouldn’t put much stock in it bud.

Q. What happened to ‘Ripper’? It’s a spin off show of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, following Giles into the new Watcher’s Counsel. Can you please ask Joss Whedon about the Giles spin off? It says it comes out January 1st 2007 on the BBC-2. I want to know if they’re still going to make it. Can you ask Joss? – Chris
A. I think Joss is a touch on the busy side at the moment, so we’ll leave him be for the time being. As far as “Ripper” goes – it’s probably the only one of the proposed “Buffy”spin-offs that could actually get going, mainly due to the fact that it was going to be a joint production with the BBC – but I doubt that January 1st is going to be the start date for it.

Q. Hey, A couple of friends of mine are studio script readers, they are claiming to have read the best script in 20 years, called “Dropped”. A small company called Purity Films, or Purity Productions owns it. The producers know what they have and aren’t letting the news out. They have overseas money coming in and numerous offers for funding, there’s rumor of Paul Bettany and Jennifer Conelly or Kate Hudson doing it. They said the money offered for this script is staggering, but the small company won’t budge. According to my buddy’s, the military are behind it and they have a distribution deal lined up. I’ve tried to get in touch with this company but they won’t return phone calls. They will return e-mail, but only to say that all contact must be through referral. Which really sucks. Can you guys find out anything more about the project Working Title is “DROPPED”. – Mark
A. Never heard of it before, the website for it has neddy no-names attached to it – sounds pretty fucking boring as well.

Q. Hi Clint, Big fan of your column. Any word on “KFH2”. It was supposed to be released in July 2006. – Mano
A. Officially delayed brother. Stephen Chow is making some kind of Sci-Fi film before he gets to work on a follow up for “Kung Fu Hustle”.

Q. What’s up guys, as always absolutely love this site, next to the sports section in my daily paper, it’s one of my favorite sites to read. Man! I couldn’t believe what I was reading in regards to “The Thing” prequel, this is possibly one of the best movies ever made, it’s really scary, has a great story, bad ass actors, & the effects, I mean even now a day they can hold their own. I have this movie in my DVD collection & it gets a viewing at least once every 2 months. I always wondered why a sequel was never even mentioned, the two survivors at the end are still well alive & kicking & a sequel is really a no brainer & would be much better than a prequel, I even read the lame attempt of continuation that Dark Horse Comics attempted like 5 or 6 years ago. I just hope they don’t mess this up like “Escape From L.A.”, jeez what a dump. A quick question (s) for you, if you don’t mind… will Sigourney Weaver ever play Ripley again & who’s idea was it to kill Newt off? Now dark horse did do an awesome job with the “Aliens” titles, the suits should have read these before even doing “A3”, & what’s up with the sequels to “Nightmare” & “Friday the 13th”? Until more questions pop into my head……….keep up the great job you guys do – Aaron
A. Mmm. I only watched “The Thing” last year for the first time, and I really did enjoy it – I did like the game (story wise anyway) that came out a couple of years back as well – I don’t know about a prequel….. As far as your other stuff goes, I think Sigourney would more than likely do another “Alien” film if the money & script were right; Newt got killed off predominantly because of the gap during the making of “Aliens” & “Alien 3”, and the aging of Carrie Henn was going to be a bit of a stretch to explain (and yes, I heard the theory of the crack in the chamber or whatever – that would have been some bullshit) – that being said, I did enjoy the special edition of “Alien 3” quite a bit more than I was expecting to; On the slasher sequel front, I’m still betting on a follow-up to “Freddy vs. Jason”.

Q. Hi Clint, Just to let you know we are all very shocked and sad over here in the U.S. about Steve Irwin — can’t believe it, really! Thanks for all the stuff on Steve on your website – Best Wishes, – Lisa
A. Yep, it’s a friggin’ sad story. When I first heard about it, I was talking to Clint, and I just sais of all the things that this guy has done, to be killed by a Sting-Ray was just unbelievable – Steve wasn’t particularly my cup of tea, but it’s still a horrible thing.

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