
New Line snaps up Escape From New York

And the readers weigh in on their opinions on a remake

New Line has snapped up that remake of “Escape from New York” that I spat chips over the other day.

As per previous news item on the redo, it’ll be Gerard Butler wearing Snake Plissken’s eye-patch this time around.

I’ve actually had a few emails from readers on the remake plan – some who are all for it (believing Kurt’s too old; and so on – which I don’t agree), and some that are plain miffed.

Here’s a couple :

Make Kurt Russell full of scars, grey and old, and have him play the role of the warden of the prison, not as Plissken but as a former crook stuck with a job he hates.
Joaquin Phoenix is brain. Danny Glover is the president. Dennis Hopper is the “Duke of N.Y.” it could work.
– Whitney

Clint, read your article about the remake of “Escape from New York” I would rather slide down a pole as it turns into a razorblade landing in a vat of rubbing alcohol than watch any Escape movie without Kurt Russell. How stupid can people be? Does hollywood even have a clue what classic is? I’m so tired of these remakes. They remade the Hitcher, that was a classic, and it stunk, don’t they get any fresh ideas in hollywood. Man people need to get there own ideas instead of recycling past movies. I know i’m not going to pay 10 bucks in a theater to see garbage. Grrrrr! Man this h ad me fired up. Next they will remake Carpenters “The Thing” and have Cedrick the Entertainer as the lead playing McReady. – Brian

You need to think about this one a bit longer. You’re not looking at the big picture. Kurt is too old to “start” a franchise like this. Yes I said start. 🙂 The original film is 25 years old and the sequel sucked balls. So here’s what they’re doing. Whatever studio gets this is not getting one film…they’re getting a franchise. It would be pointless to recast Snake in a sequel so…they’re starting over and updating the storyline and film technology obviously. It’s not gonna be the same film frame for frame…it’s going to be different. Just as Daniel Craig made a great Bond…a different Bond so can Butler do Snake. IF he tries to copy Kurt he’ll fail. The point of doing this is to start a new franchise and get some quality sequels going and to forget about Escape from LA, etc…I want to seem some major action, some hand to hand combat and some intense gun battles with a lead that is not 55 years old. C’mon Clint you can still watch the original for nostalgia. It’s one of my favourites – Advanced_Dark

Anyone that thinks an “Escape from New York” idea is a good idea is silly… and its their fault that that’s all that Hollywood is making at the moment… remakes and sequels. They have run out of original ideas. The original ‘Escape’ holds up so well that it just doesn’t NEED to be redone. Tell the 40-year-old Virgin movie nerds to stop buying tickets to stupid remakes – like this! – and we will be able to get our movie business back on track! – William

Was Gerard Butler really that good in “300”? I mean, he shouted a lot… but did he do much else? I just don’t think he’s got that “special thing” required to play Snake. Didn’t they just do a “Snake” comic book not long ago? Wasn’t it with Kurt Russell’s likeness? – Paul

I’m with you Clint. Kurt Russell isn’t too old to play Snake again. And really… what does it matter if he is? It’s a character that can age… unlike, say, Superman. I say lets forget about “Escape from L.A”, and try again. You know what’s going to happen next, don’t you? “Big Trouble in Little China” – the remake. Mark my words” – Arek

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