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Next weekend : Star Wars trailer!

Remember the days when we use to actually get excited about full movies?

Well now we get damp over blink-and-you’ll-miss-it glimpses of said full movie – or I am, anyway; my newly-washed Spider-Man ‘roos can attest to it.

Over the past couple of days there have been all sorts of rumours pertaining to the launch of the “Star Wars : The Force Awakens” teaser trailer – someone said it would play with “The Hobbit : My Ass is Friggin’ Sore” in a couple of weeks, while others suggested it might premiere on TV – glued into a commercial break somewhere.

Seems that’s not the case at all. The new trailer, according to various sources (including a Reddit poster, /Film, and my grandmother’s magical alphabet soup) will debut this coming week! Happy thanksgiving, Griswolds!
The 90-second (or is it 60? someone else said 60) teaser will play in 100 theaters – and on a whole range of movies (not just those being distributed by the Empire aka Disney) – this coming weekend. Spank me Mon Mothma! This is exciting!

If Twitter can be believed as a bible of authenticity, then members of the 501st have already seen the trailer – they saw it this weekend! None of them are talking about it online though, weirdly enough (Update! UK reports are bullshit; trailer not finished). Here’s a description of the trailer, according to.. someone who hasn’t seen it but seems to know someone who has. It all goes back to that magical alphabet soup grammy makes.

This time next weekend we may be smiling. Or crying. One or the other. Both maybe.

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