
Pineapple Express already reviewed?

Twelve months before its still release date

Cinemablend have just heard from a scooper whose fresh from seeing the new film “Pineapple Express”, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, twelve months before it comes out!

The word is, it’s good – very good.

Here’s a taste “The easiest way to explain Pineapple Express is: if The Big Lebowski was a forties film noir with this big shambling wreck of a stoner in it then Pineapple Express is like a B 80’s action movie, a Cobra if you will, with two big shambling wrecks of stoners in it. From the opening scene, which combines a wonderful cameo by a crusty Thomas Hayden Church, science experiments, hilarious use of old diving suits, and cold blooded murder into a uproarious combo you know Pineapple Express is going to be something special.”

To read the full review click here.

Thanks to ‘Josh’

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