
Schreiber teases Wolverine

Moviehole caught up with the always-entertaining Liev Schreiber (forever remembered by the horror community as the suss Cotton Weary in the “Scream” trilogy and by the tea-sipping committee as Raymond Shaw in the remake of “The Manchurian Candidate”) to probe him for information about the upcoming “X-Men Origins : Wolverine”, in which he plays the equally hairy Sabretooth, and he had this to say :

“I’ve seen some footage, and I think it’s going to be really very good”, the actor says of the “X-Men” spin-off. “I’m really looking forward to people seeing it.”

Contrary to how it might seem, doing a movie like this is no way a ‘release’.

”I found it to be really intense. The character I play is incredibly brutal and feral, has blood lust unlike any other character I’ve ever played, much, much more than Zus. Zus is basically a lover. This guy is a real killer.”

And why did he want to do this movie?

”I hope I’m not blowing anyone’s cover here, but I don’t think men really mature intellectually and emotionally beyond 22. Your bodies evolve, but nothing else, really. And so why should I stop wanting to be in a comic book movie?

”I was a fan of the comic books. I just loved the character of Wolverine. I always have. That sort of deeply ironic and very urban sensibility in a superhero was something that I thought was really groundbreaking. And the style of writing was – particularly the very sort of editorial style. I just always loved it. And I think that we were able to capture some of that darkness in this movie, so I’m very proud of it.”

Naturally, Liev has nothing but praise for his Aussie co-star.

”I love Hugh. I mean, Hugh is the reason I did it. We’d been friends for a long time and it’s just so much fun to work with him. To do fight scenes with Hugh was really terrific, because as a dancer, he has that kind of discipline and choreography. And I always studied to be a fight choreographer, and always wanted to be a dancer too, but didn’t quite have the feet for it. But we had some remarkable fight scenes together, and I’m looking forward to people seeing those.”

Look out for our entire interview with My Schreiber in the next few days.

Interview : Jennifer Aniston

Caffeinated Clint : 20/12/08