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SDCC : Rodriguez’s Machete Party

Captain here, still lurking around Comic Con.

Gotta tell you about the coolest panel – of sorts – I attended today! “Machete”!

In a parking lot, Robert Rodriguez, Michelle Rodriguez and Danny Trejo parked their ‘Taco Own’ (yeah, you heard right – Taco Van!) and invited press and select Comic-Con attendees in to taste their spicy hot treats (served by Trejo and Rodriguez!) and straight-to-my-head margaritas, before fielding questions from the sloshed media about their highly-anticipated faux-trailer inspired actioner and screening some cool-cool footage from the film. Oh, and did I mention there were smokin’ hot go-go dancers there?!

The footage was great – there was a snippet of a sex scene between Trejo and Rodriguez; another where Trejo wakes up in bed with Jessica Alba’s character – who is quick to check her bits for signs of sex with our hero (being the gentleman that he is, Machete didn’t take advantage of the young lady) before bad guys break into the house; and the final scene has De Niro’s character ordering Jeff Fahey’s to the hospital where the latter has been ordered to take out Machete. Learning that the bad guys have ambushed the hospital, Machete snags some tools from a nearby doctor’s tray and rips a nurse’s belt off her waist. The baddies enter… Machete starts swinging! (literally! He uses a guy’s intestines and swings out of the building!)

Rodriguez said that most of the supporting cast came onboard once they heard “De Niro” was attached to play the Senator.

Rodriguez and Trejo first talked about a “Machete” movie some 16 years ago.

They also screened the following RED-BAND trailer :

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