
Seth Rogen, James Franco doing Christmas Interview

Sony’s “The Interview” has been pushed back from its original release date of October 10 to December 25, 2014.

The action-comedy starring Seth Rogen and James France is now set to join a host of other Christmas releases including “Paddington”, “Into the Woods”, “Big Eyes”, “Unbroken” and “Hot Tub Time Machine 2”.

The film, directed by Rogen and Evan Goldberg, sees the producer and anchor of a tabloid TV show land an interview with North Korean despot Kim Jong-un. When the CIA discover the men are going to speak to the dictator, they recruit the pair to assassinate him.

As you would expect, “The Interview” has struck a nerve with Jong-un. A spokesman for North Korea described the film as an “act of war”, declaring that the country would retaliate against the States.

So, while we’re all sitting back at the movies, it looks like this Christmas could be a rocky one for the countries’ leaders…

Trailer : 1,000 Times Good Night

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