
The Six Best Lawyer Movies

It’s not uncommon to hear critiques about how most film depictions of lawyers aren’t accurate. They’ll talk about how lawyers tend not to make riveting speeches that bring down the house (er, courtroom). We say it shouldn’t matter as long as the drama is riveting. These are some of the best lawyer movies. Lawyers these days tend to have so much on their plate that a lot of their daily doings are not worthy of motion picture representation. However, this does not make them any less important. For example, modern lawyers have to worry about things like Legal SEO Citations so that their law practice is well-adapted to the digital society that they exist within. While this may not make for a thrilling drama, it is absolutely integral in the legal industry today.

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird – 1962

The film adaptation of Harper Lee’s beloved novel focuses less on Scout Finch and more on her father, attorney Atticus Finch, played by Gregory Peck. Peck’s Oscar-winning performance is pitch-perfect, portraying Finch as a man who does the right thing even when seemingly no one is by his side.

  1. Inherit the Wind – 1960

This film, adapted from the play inspired by the famous Scopes trial about the teaching of evolution, stars Spencer Tracy as an impassioned lawyer defending the rights of a teacher in a close-minded community. Tracy’s cross-examinations are nothing short of riveting, showcasing the power of conviction in the face of scrutiny.

  1. Anatomy of a Murder – 1959

One of the most daring films to ever come out of Hollywood, past or present, Otto Preminger’s Anatomy of a Murder puts the affable screen presence of James Stewart to the test as a highly-skilled lawyer undertaking a highly complicated murder case. Preminger refuses to compromise by giving easy answers, making a film that asserts that there are no easy answers in or out of the courtroom.

  1. My Cousin Vinny – 1992

A murder trial doesn’t seem like it would necessarily be the best fodder for a hilarious movie, but My Cousin Vinny is a notable exception to that theory. The film stars Joe Pesci as a New Yorker who’s just passed the bar exam, defending his cousin and friend accused of murder in a small Southern town. The film is cross-cultural hilarity throughout and full of inspired comic performances, including Marisa Tomei in an Oscar-winning role as Pesci’s girlfriend.

  1. Philadelphia – 1993

Tom Hanks was widely known for his comedic roles early in his career, but his Oscar-winning turn as an AIDS-afflicted lawyer fighting against discrimination with a lawyer played by Denzel Washington. Jonathan Demme’s was one of the first Hollywood productions to address the plight of AIDS. It’s a film that shows how just one person having the decency to stand up for what’s right can make a difference.

  1. A Few Good Men – 1992

“You can’t handle the truth!” goes Jack Nicholson’s famous line in Rob Reiner’s film about two Marines facing murder charges. A green lawyer, played by Tom Cruise, is forced to undertake the case, which seems like a lost cause. The work put in by Cruise’s character, Daniel Kaffee is inspiring as he learns the power of determination and never relenting in the fight for justice.

Trailer : Rodney King

Shia LaBeouf’s flick triples ticket sales