
So Gary Ross is basically remaking Roxanne

Director Gary Ross and producer Nina Jacobson, the duo behind the impending B.O menace “Hunger Games”, are reuniting on a new take on “Cyrano De Bergerac”.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the untitled film “is understood to be a contemporary story revolving around Cyrano de Bergerac, a man who is in love with a woman but is forced to woo her surreptitiously on behalf of a far more handsome but less expressive suitor. The twist here is the story is told using today’s vast and complex social media tools.”

John Whittington wrote the screenplay, based on an idea by “Seabiscuit” helmer Ross.

The last contemporary take on “Cyrano” was the Steve Martin/Daryl Hannah flick “Roxanne” (1987).

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