
Spoilery story details for Batman vs. Superman

With “Batman vs. Superman” now pushed back to 2016 – either because of a) script issues b) Ben Affleck’s leg injury or c) so the filmmakers can fulfill their ambitious vision (heh!) – all sorts of guesswork is in play concerning the reasons behind the delay.

Despite Jennifer Garner’s attempts to sell the public on her hubby as Batman,  there’s plenty of rumours circulating regarding Affleck :  Has a dud leg pushed the production schedule back? Or does he want out completely – and the delay is in motion so the flick can find themselves a new Batman!?

Latino Review got some potentially cool juice from a forum poster by the name of ‘James Woods’, who claims to be a an ex-art department worker on the Zack Snyder directed movie.

Among bits he reveals about the film’s plot :

  •  The villians are Lex Luthor and Metallo
  • Batman forms a UN type deal to stop Superman from destroying another city
  • Aquaman is in it, but not called Aquaman. He’s there because the world engine in the ocean did something to the fish
  • Wonderwoman poses as a Wayne Enterprises investor to retrieve an item that belongs to her people.
  • Lex Luthor is in the shadows a lot, a manipulator. Not much face time with Superman.
  • Robin betrayed Batman at some point, leading to a falling out between them
  • The Batcave was super cool looking, and the mobile looked similar to Burton’s
  • Lois is investigating Lex.
  • Metallo “kills” Clark
  • The Daily Planet is bought by Lex Luthor for PR purposes
  • At the end Superman is living in exile, and the Justice League is an government approved superhero team.

So, any of this true? Well… maybe.  Other, reliable sources say Luthor (Joaquin Phoenix is said to have been made an offer to play the part) and Metallo are the villains, so that bit could be on the money; Josh Holloway’s name has been tossed about as someone linked to the role of ‘Aquaman’ in the movie – so, again, seems possible there’s some truth to this one; and it’s highly-rumoured that the movie does end with a scene involving the formation of the “Justice League” (setting up the next movie).  So nothing too far-fetched here, going by the rumours that are already out there; at the same time, it’s very possible this scooper is tugging our middle leg’s and has simply made up a forum’s worth of nonsense based on what he’s heard elsewhere. Still.. interesting possibilities to ponder.

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